What do I need to know about filling out the bulk order form?
Bulk ordering is used to ship many kits to one location and where they will be distributed to the participants from there.
View requirements for each field below:
- Email - required field, this should always be enterprise@everlywell.com, do not change this field to your/your organization’s email address
- Skus - not required, keep this blank for your Everlywell team to fill out
- Quantities - required field, bulk orders come in increments of 50 per box
- First Name - required, this should be the person that the shipment should be addressed to
- Last Name - required, this should be the person that the shipment should be addressed to
- Address 1 - required, street address
- Address 2 - only required if the shipment is being delivered to a suite, apartment or other number within the street address
- City - required
- State - required, must be 2-digit capitalized state abbreviation
- Zip Code - required, must be 5-digits, including leading zeros
- Phone - required, keep this field as 555-555-5555, do not change this field to your/your organization’s phone number
- Auto_register - required, please type capitalized FALSE in this field
- Enterprise_client_id - keep this blank for your Everlywell team to fill out