What do I need to know about filling out the drop ship order form?
Drop shipping allows you to ship individual kits directly to participants.
View requirements for each field below:
- Email - required field, this should be each participant/test-taker’s email address, format should reflect standard email syntax, for example test@everlywell.com
- Skus - not required, keep this blank for your Everlywell team to fill out
- Quantities - required field, drop ship orders are usually in quantities of 1
- First Name - required, participant’s first name
- Last Name - required, participant’s last name
- Address 1 - required, participant’s street address
- Address 2 - only required if the shipment is being delivered to a suite, apartment or other number within the street address
- City - required, participant’s address
- State - required, must be 2-digit capitalized state abbreviation, participant’s address
- Zip Code - required, must be 5-digits, including leading zeros
- Phone - required, participant’s phone number, should be 10-digits with dashes in this format: 555-555-5555
- Auto_register - required, please type capitalized FALSE in this field
- Enterprise_client_id - keep this blank for your Everlywell team to fill out